Elrond ecosystem (egld) or eth 2.0 today!

As far as I observed these days the Elrond ecosystem does not get to much attention in the media or social platforms... eGOLD or EGLD, is the native coin of this ecosystem. Several content creators are trying to promote the coin but still, for some reasons, it is not reaching top 10 or top 20 at least. The meme coins instead, with their useless utility gets more attraction. Did I mention that eGOLD has all the good stuff that Ethereum is suppose to deliver in the 2.0 version? Actually EGLD it is even a better option because of the shards system and it's tokenomics that has a potential to smash any blockchain in terms of speed and low transaction fees.

The guys from ELROND WARRIORS made a very nice and interesting banner that explain in short details how great the eGOLD is, with same qualities like the infamous GOLD:

So after understanding these pretty interesting qualities, why does the eGOLD is not so popular? In my estimation, I believe that it must the lack of advertising, even that the team behind Elrond are doing a tremendous job in  doing it so and not only that but also in developing and securing the stability of the blockchain, as well. So what has to be done to pump up the coin above top 40? Especially now after they launched the Maiar Decentralised Exchange, link over here: https://maiar.exchange/ , where you swap coins and tokens like EGLD, MEX, USDC and RIDE, and they (the Elrond team), acquired the WEB3 payment platform Utrust, where you can make easily any kind of payment!

Well you might be surprised but other cryptocurrency developers and investors are paying a tremendous amount of cash for promotion and adoption so that their coins and token could reach, stay or overcome their respective levels. It seems that mass manipulation of either the market place or social media can give the right booster for adoption. This is the harsh reality which can't be change that easily. 

Nevertheless I totally trust eGOLD development as I trust Bitcoin, because as the old BTC, the new EGLD had the same start: nobody cared, until it was to late for them buy.

What do you think, is the eGOLD still young and perhaps in the coming years will be a mass adoption?

I would love to know your opinion in the comment section.

If you would like to invest in eGOLD here is my referral link to the Maiar wallet. Please make sure to write down the unique phrase and secure it in a safe place: https://get.maiar.com/referral/omgk02mvm0

NOTE: This is not a financial advise, it is only my opinion of a great cryptocurrency that have a huge potential. You should do your own research before investing in any crypto!