Elon musk wants to sell a song as an nft!!

Last night, Elon Musk tweeted about the sale of his first CryptoArt, and this is a great news for fans.

Elon Musk, a tough supporter of the Cryptocurrencies, announced his first (Not sure if he produced the song!) Song as an NFT!

It could draw millions of attention to CryptoArt and introduce new artists and collectors.

The interesting thing is that people made a lot of offers, we have to wait and see how much it will sell

How much you offer for this Song?

Maybe most of us can only buy the ScreenShots of the Artwork!! :)))) 

Take a look at this artwork by Beeple. NFE!!


Beeple is one of the coolest Digital Artists out there make sure you follow his works.

So you see how the world of CryptoArt is growing? Sell your first artwork or support your favorite artists.