Easy way to create an Metamask account for creating free NFTs

Metamask is basically a higly rated secured software crypto wallet owned by ConsenSys software Inc. The leading organisations like Microsoft, Hitachi, AWS, P&G, South African Reserve Bank and Smart Dubai partnered with them.

Metamask act as a gateway to many  blockchain apps especially the decentralised ones where it makes the complex system into user friendly that the users can store, buy, transfer and swap tokens. Currently METAMASK has over 21 million users across the world.

Users have the complete authority towards ownership of their data. Users can create their password and keys for securing their account and they've the complete authority towards ownership of data.

Follow these steps to create an Metamask account 

Step 1: Go to Metamask website and install Metamask for chrome (If you're a user of BRAVE then it will show brave in place of chrome) 

Step 2:  Click add to chrome

Step 3: Click add extension 

Step 4: Click get started 

Step 5: Click create a wallet

Step 6: After creating the password, please note down the secret phrases and keep it safe. Yeah that's it, your wallet is ready to use.

I'll publish how to create free NFTs worth of millions in my next article?