🔴earn $wagmi on harmony $one defi (3,3) by venomdao

Brand new project on HarmonyONE blockchain, Euphoria ($WAGMI) I know!!! what a name! Already knew we're all going to make it! Anyways, this Euphoria is an algorithmic reserve currency protocol that will initially start out as a fork of OHM & Wonderland. It is by no means an “OHM killer” or a direct competitor to it or Wonderland.

Euphoria built by the OG team on HarmonyONE, VenomDAO, the same builder of Viperswap, the OG dex and farm on Harmony Blockchain.

The team intends to combine ViperSwap with Euphoria to attempt to bridge the gap between DeFi 1.0’s liquidity mining mechanisms and DeFi 2.0’s protocol owned liquidity mechanisms.

Concept: If we all work together for the most optimal outcome that’s how We All Gonna Make It. - (??, ??) or (3,3) means that if we all stake together, we all gonna make it.

Currently, at the time of filming the video, APY of staking $WAGMI is about 5000% and will eventually decrease over time.

I have also talked about the Viper airdrop in this video. The airdrop will last until December 31st, 2022, roughly ~13 months. Kindly buy & hold or stake 1,000+ xVIPER and hodl/diamond hand/never sell xVIPER, WAGMI, sWAGMI and VIPER for maximum ?? ?? rewards.

Useful link:




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Stay connected! https://linktr.ee/omomohoho

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