Earn a living within the metaverse

Metaverse is the internet’s next step in evolution! Why? What is the metaverse?  The simple definition of the metaverse is that it is multiple virtual spaces of a continuous, online, 3D universe.

SpecTruth, a recent startup, is among the companies developing its own virtual universe with its goal of having its members be able to work, meet, game, socialize, date and learn within a 3d universe.  A Town Hall, Park, Theme Park, Education Hall, Shopping Center, and an NFT Museum are the multiple virtual spaces within its metaverse.   

The overall metaverse will grow exponentially as its users transition from entertainment use only to being able to earn incomes.  The ability to earn an income is where SpecTruth is focusing its efforts.    

The uniqueness is that SpecTruth was originally envisioned to help people with developmental delays and anxiety disorders to reintegrate into mainstream society by introducing a comprehensive 3d world using an AI virtual friend.  AI is paramount to helping the overall system be optimized for Web 3, maximize our members experience, and look for lynch pin behavior or therapies that achieve the greatest impact on our user’s lives. 

Virtual kiosks for members will be available as a premium service.  The kiosks will give every visitor a 3d displayed kiosks that will show the NFTs created, list of services offered, goods for sale, videos offered, and links to outside content.  Members will also be able to sell ticket venues to lectures and concerts that they perform.

Members looking to learn how to earn a living will able to explore the virtual kiosks, visit the 3d Library, attend classes and lectures.  The goal is create as many opportunities for the members as possible and build a strong economic platform to withstand the real world economic fluctuations.   

A new economic reality will be created in the metaverse and many new opportunities for income will be created. 

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