Down with Upland!

The lightning network has been fueling adoption of Bitcoin by simplifying Bitcoin usage for the non techy.

However, the OGs in the space still cross-check their addresses since transactions on the Bitcoin Blockchain are irreversible once an error has been identified after the said transaction has been confirmed on the blockchain.

Although, there are many address formats within the Bitcoin Network, such as the legacy address, Bech 32 address format, Lightning Invoice, LN-URL and now Corporate Email Lightning Addresses. Therefore, you have a choice to choose from the formats. This could be a daunting task especially for the masses onboarding on the Bitcoin Network. Hence, EDUCATION needs to support these features for the non techy.

Since this is not an educational post, here is a beginner friendly article from thebitcoinmanual that will walk you through the lightning network ecosystem where you will learn the basics from start to finish and create your email lightning address.

Resources for your Corporate Email Lightning Network Address

The following resources will onboard users to the Bitcoin Network as simple as owning an email address. It is easier for grandma to say "Happy Birthday Son"! on Facebook than for how she could send 30, 000 SAT over on phone. Here's why the lightning network comes to play while in full play legalizing your corporate email address to receive money over the lightning network.

Don't trust yet?! The legendary Michael Saylor recently tweeted his corporate email receiving 21sat. With corporate fintech companies like PayPal transacting value just by accessing your email instead of issuing strings of numbers is common within the legacy tech world. It's easier to recall ones email address than strings of alphanumeric; you're better off with an LN corporate email address as seen from the screenshot below.

Converting a lookalike corporate email; you'll need the following resources for payments, you can use one of the community-supported Lightning Address servers to connect your Lightning backend to a Lightning Address non-custodially!


Additional resources for using and supporting lightning addresses

Federated Lightning Address server anyone can self-host to receive Lightning payments at non-custodially.

BridgeAddr Bridge

The server that allows setting domain DNS configuration and receiving payments at non-custodially.

Personal Lightning Address server to self-host payments to

Self-hosted Lightning Address server and personal payment page.

The domains above can help you create an email lightning address as seen on the image below from

Note:  Endeavor to research when you need help than solely relying on one information  source.

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