Does Cardano need more respect?

Taking to Twitter on the 24th of April, the founder and face of Cardano, Charles Hoskinson asserted that the project which he has dedicated most of his life is not respected enough in the crypto media.

He made it clear that he hopes that the project will be recognised by the media before any other crypto-related project. Specifically, he mentioned ETH.

Writing on Twitter, he said the following:

As you can see from above, Hoskinson also added that he doesn’t like it when the media: the co-founder of ETH. For Cardano, 2020 promises to be a year of many innovations with many projects being implemented by the IOHK team. Founded by him over five years ago, Hoskinson is in charge of the development of the project.

The cryptocurrency for the Cardano project, ADA is currently The 13th biggest cryptocurrency in the space. However, Charles has made it very clear that this isn’t a big deal for him. He is confident that the increase in the future could possibly impose all digital assets over the next few years. Not only would this have a massive impact on the space as a whole but on Cardano itself.

“The regulations are getting set that institutional investors can finally put money into our industry, which brings billions of dollars of new investment…..And I think we are best positioned to capture the largest chunk long term. Now, whether that happens in five years, 10 years, 15 years, a whole bunch of things could occur to accelerate or put the brakes on our entire movement”.

It will be interesting to see how this situation plays out. For more news on this and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!