Doctor Who Worlds Apart NFT Sale

Reality Gaming Group and BBC are developing a free to play TCG blockchain game based on the popular science-fiction TV series Doctor Who. 

Doctor Who Worlds Apart NFT sale is now live 

There are four kinds of packs available, starting with the Core pack at $4.99 to the Tardis pack with a price tag of $196.

Each pack contains from five up to ten limited edition cards that differ in rarity and value. Also, you can collect 13 unique cosmetic card frames. Each card is a digital collectible NFT with its own value and stats. You can use these cards to battle in the game or sell them later to other players on external marketplaces.

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The Gameplay

Doctor Who Worlds Apart will feature PVP battles, digital collectible cards based on the blockchain, and a marketplace for peer to peer trading.

Players can build their decks and form tactics to smash their opponents in turn-based battles on digital tabletop boards in an environment based on the Doctor Who universe.

The game will be available for PC devices in 2021.

Founders Coin

Besides the card pack sale, participants have the chance to purchase Founder’s Tokens that grand a 20% discount on every purchase. 

Each Founder’s Token is an ERC-721 Ethereum based NFT and comes at the cost of $250 per piece. There will only be 1963 Founder’s Tokens available. Owners of these tokens will have exclusive perks, including early access to the game on the private beta when released in 2021. Also, Founder’s Tokens will be available for trading at secondary markets.