Discover the Biggest Crypto Airdrops of 2022

However, to claim these airdrops, there are some best practices you must follow and some red flags you should be aware of. Let’s find out more.


Arbitrum is one of the leading Layer 2 solutions on Ethereum. This means faster transactions and lower fees. The project doesn’t have a token yet, but very soon the Arbitrum token $ARB will roll out.

How to Claim Aribtrum Airdrops?

I have an exclusive strategy for you. To become eligible for an Arbitrum airdrop, you need to use some of the Arbitrum projectsThis could cost you somewhere between $5 and $10 in gas fees, and you need to transfer a minimum of 0.02 ETH otherwise the transaction might not go through. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Bridge ETH from mainnet to Arbitrum Nova: You have to use the arbitrum bridge. This may take around 10 minutes with approx $1.5 gas fees. Now you’re on Arbitrum Nova. You can see a mini video tutorial about this step

You need to bridge to Arbitrum One: You can use Orbiter FinanceUsing a different protocol helps you to get an airdrop of this protocol token. So,
  • Select the L2 bridge option.
  • Select Arbitrum Nova as the ‘From chain’ and Arbitrum as the ‘To Chain’.
  • Bridge all ETH available in Arbitrum Nova to Arbitrum. It cost around $0.5 and takes less than a minute. Now you’re on Arbitrum One.
  • You can now bridge back to the Mainnet using the arbitrum bridge

Also, there’s another way to also get a potential Optimism airdrop by following the next steps. So, let’s try that as well. You can see a mini video tutorial about this step

Kromatika and connect your METAMASK wallet: Now switch to Arbitrum Network. You can add the Arbitrum network to your wallet here. You can find to add the Arbitrum network in your wallet here. Now swap some ETH to KROM or USDC.

The purpose is to generate some trading volume. Swap back to ETH after a minute. You have ETH in Arbitrum Network now. You can see a mini video tutorial about this step

Bridge ETH from Arbitrum to Optimism: You can use Transferto. Remember to leave some ETH for the gas fee and select the fast route. Now your ETH is in Optimism. You can see a mini video tutorial about this step

Now Bridge ETH in Optimism to Mainnet: You can use theBungee exchange. This takes around 5 minutes at most with costs of around $1. This has a very high airdrop potential. You can see to finish this step.

So, did you like this strategy, and will you take part? Let us know in the comments section.


was founded by Fabian Vogelsteller and Marjorie Hernandez. Fabian Vogelsteller is popularly known as the father of the ERC-20 and the ERC-725 token. 

Also, Lukso is a blockchain designed for the metaverse and it is EVM Compatible. So, they offer low gas fees. Once more, I plan to keep a close eye on them. In the long term, I expect Lukso to become one of the top 20 projects.

I don’t have any concrete information about the LYXE airdrop. However, it’s best to prepare yourself. The first step is to create a universal profile on their site. So, you can take part in the Lyxe testnet, this should make you eligible. Nowadays, they’re on version L16 and you can run a nodeLet us know what you think of the Lukso blockchain. Do you see the potential that I see? Let us know in the comments.


is a brand new L1 blockchain that claims to deliver 100,000 TPS. The project has not released a token yet. But they already have a big ecosystem going on. It’s a very interesting project and we are keeping a close eye on its ecosystem development. It’s important to mention that its team is the people who worked on the Diem project at Meta (Facebook). 

Recently, Binance Labs just announced a partnership with Aptos. That’s big news at such an early stage and financial backers are lining up to support the project. 

How to claim Aptos Airdrops? 

I expect Aptos mainnet to go live later this month (Sept 2022) so keep a close eye on this. At present, there are many websites in testnet mode that allow you to get involved, test out and report bugs. This may later pay off in APTOS airdrops. 

So, have you already heard of Aptos? If yes then let us know 1 thing that you like the most about Aptos.

has the same background as the Aptos team. They were also involved in the Diem project at Meta. Just like Aptos, they don’t have a token yet. However, their ecosystem is smaller, but it also looks very promising. Their project is even supposed to be faster than Aptos. A very interesting project to keep an eye on.

How to get Sui Aridrops?

Taking part in the projects built on Sui may qualify you for airdrops. Again, that will happen only when the mainnet goes live. Follow Twitter and join the Discord groups. Also, Sui already has the first NFT collection live, the Sui Punks. 

The second project is the Sui Name ServiceSNS Domains. ENS is off the sales charts. But, hey, listen up, here is SNS. Be early and separate your domain name. Then, the third project on our list is  a launchpad for NFTs. They are running plenty of tests for both Sui and Aptos. 

Many projects building on Sui have giveaways, WL, OG roles, and airdrops once the mainnet goes live. So, how do you feel about Sui? Do you think it can compete with Aptos? Let us know in the comment.


Now you know a bit more about airdrops. I showed 4 different ways of getting involved in airdrops. First 2 very exciting new L1 chains, Aptos and Sui. I also showed you how to get involved with Lukso. With Arbitrum, I gave you a complete lowdown on how to get involved in a potential airdrop. This involved an exclusive strategy, only available to our YouTube audience.

A lot comes down to DYOR (Do your own research) and getting involved with projects. As the old saying goes. I hope you enjoyed this and all the best with your airdrops. One last word of advice, be careful out there and don’t fall for any scams. Don’t trust, Verify.