Did you miss uniswap? look out this one will be disruptive - think about having a sundae


  • Fund raising through IPO - simply stake your Ada in the Sundae swap pool on May 25th and you will start to receive Sundae (instead of Ada) as returns until you change your delegation (or the team changes the program). 
  • This DEX threatens every single DEX built on Ethereum - the fees are so much lower that it is very likely that Coins like UNISWAP will use Cardono's ERC 20 converted to migrate over. 
  • In addition to lower fees any ERC 20 crossovers will be able to provide governess tokens to their community (for example chainlink or any other ERC 20 do(es) not have that available. 
  • The value of the token is likely .08 at open (from Pie interview) - if we look at what the price of DEX like UNI, Pancake, and even Panther have done - there is may be a big opportunity here.  
  • This is a short post but enough to say that Sundae really seems to have the community and ecosystem in mind - and yes they have a plan when they reach saturation that does not include opening multiple pools or damaging decentralization. 


Here is the interview with Big Pey and Pie: https://youtu.be/mTv8iwxoeLI if you want to check it out.