Developer Call June 13th 2022

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Oracle summit recap, PyTelliot updates, testing Tellor360, Algorand article, Reporters, autopay keeper network, Tellor docs update. 

Whole call

Nick: Welcome to another episode of Tellor dev calls. Today we have a guest, who? From Diva, we're going to get to him in a bit, but first we're going to do a little update on where we're at on the dev side you know kind of do our normal quick dev call. For me, I was kind of out of it last week I was at the blockchain oracle conference phenomenal conference it was really got to meet every single person in the oracle space, hung out with Rick from Liquity, quite a bit super cool, who else did we actually hang out with like I think we hang out with like everybody but hung out with Sasha former API3 a bit, we hung out with Nick from Maker, oh from Metis. A bunch of awesome people there Thomas from Witnet but yeah, my big takeaway kind of you know like we had a bunch of meetings like everybody hates ChainLink, ChainLink had a representative there you know it's not sort of surprising to see but it's they're kind of out in the lead as far as people. 

Owen: The competitors of ChainLink don't like ChainLink wow. 

Nick: Yeah, but it was like they're almost do it you know like whenever ChainLink got up there and did their vision, like their vision is they're expanding into the web3 world. You know it was literally like, you couldn't have had a more different presentation from like our presentation and there's like. Ours was like how we're going to decentralize Tellor more and theirs was like we just partnered with Amazon and T-mobile and how we're going to you know bring more corporations into the web3 world to run validators and be your trustworthy data sources and it was just you know completely like that. That's the model that they're going for, it seems. They're going to try and get all their nodes to be operated by giant large corporations and what that means I don't know I could honestly see them doing like a stock or something if their prices falls far enough and they're just being a meme stock for a while like who knows but yeah it was clear that you know it couldn't have been more different and then you had I would say that we were definitely I don't know is it safe to say we're like the number two oracle out there. Owen like if you had to look at like a serious competitor to change that to take him down. 

Owen: I always feel number one but yeah sure. 

Nick: Yes, sure you know like as far as like who's sort of crying a lot of the people are really early still and just kind of, they're thinking about the space and where they're at and different partnerships and stuff it's you know like I started. 

Owen: Like mentions in other people's talks yeah sure like. 

Nick: You know like UMA it seems like they got a bunch of like UMA is a serious competitor but they got like a bunch of other stuff going on so. 

Owen: I don't know like every time they would come up in talks and whatnot it would always be like yeah so like you know we're like most people were like using ChainLink and whatnot but like we wanted to use the decentralized oracle as well so we use like Tellor and then you know or like that's like the one that we considered or it's like you know let them. 

Nick: Like there were a few pro talks there people are like oh let's just compare all the oracles and it was like you know they just looked at like a few of them and they're like okay well there's ChainLink which is a reputation-based system then there's like these ones which are like shilling point or shelling point systems you know and then there's Tellor which is actually decentralized that was like you know how it always went so it was it felt really good. it makes us feel like we're in a really good spot, I think. 

Brenda: Especially because it's been such a long time like we we've talked about decentralization for so long and I feel like people didn't really notice it or they just overlooked it like no it's the same it's an oracle. Nice to see that now they're actually... 

Nick: Yeah and you know like another serious competitor that would be really serious if they were actually trying to get in the space would be like a maker um but it seems like makers still sort of focused on their inter like their oracle being for internal use and then you know his presentation was on a lot of like how we bring on real world assets to DAI so they're working on you know how do you be an oracle for you know bonds from a corporation or for how do you bring on these real world assets like how do you put treasuries back and DAI. Super tough but you know like it's like that's like not really a competitor to us like we say like we're not doing that like they're actually like signing like off-chain docs and to do this and like legal stuff and it's like that's just not our wheelhouse nor do I want it to be. So, yeah, I know it look I feel like we're in a really good spot after the conference for sure it was super exciting people are definitely starting to get it as far as like when they talk about ChainLink and what the actual trust model is so yeah I think the one thing that you know you sort of hear from a lot of the other oracles and things like that it's like them as well there's just not a whole lot of education out there about oracle's and the best practices around them so i think we're going to probably partner with some of them so like how do we just get the word out that there are multiple oracles instead of just ChainLink there are ways to access off-chain data this is easy to do here's a bunch of different options to do it go compare you know like if that was the mindset of people going in not you know like now like that a lot of times you would hear like people would just sort of assume like ChainLink has these price fees you use one of these price fees and if you're not using these price fees you're out of luck you know getting more people just aware of the whole space and how they work is you know how do we do that so. Super exciting anyway we can talk some other time on it won't take any longer. On the dev call yeah so what are you guys up to Owen? I think you were here first. 

Owen: I'm sure Wlad will talk about it more but I've been messing around with their test net launch and just reporting fixing some things to help our reporters report for that probably need to once I do it a few times I go through the entire process make a video either with a Spuddy or someone else who wants to or I can just like going through the entire process and whatnot yeah and then the other thing is I need to make some changes for Tellor Flex based on some feedback that Tim gave I think. 

Nick: Yeah, I saw you had a pull request, just checking if it's ready or I guess not, it isn't cool yeah so awesome, on to Tim. 

Tim: So, last week Brenda and I took some time to redeploy the playground and Tellor Flex and governance and auto pay to a lot of different test networks so hopefully those deployments should get us through to Tellor 360 in a couple months so we have you know the playground lets you quickly submit a lot of values without having to stake and then Tellor Flex will be a lot more of a similar experience to what you get on polygon or real networks so then I'm also testing out Tellor360 and that's its own specific contract and repo which deals with transitioning from old Tellor to the next version so I'm updating those contracts and testing them out. 

Nick: Awesome thanks wow. 

Brenda: Just a note with the redeployments as Spuddy I don't know if we'll have to like point the data reporters to a different address so we'll work that out sometime this week so we can do the up the change i guess 

Spuddy: Is it just for the playground? 

Brenda: So, we did flex and the playground so wherever we're currently reporting for testnets we might have to switch. 

Nick: Cool awesome thank you, Tally? 

Tally: Hey I've wrote the algorithm article I got to go over it today I will yeah, I need some I think some language polishing so yeah I. 

Nick: We also have to just probably you me and Brenda can sit down and we'll like actually walk through and see if it works for. 

Brenda: Just for a background the Algorand article is basically how to deploy Tellor yourself in Algorand without the team's help who are here to help but like it's basically a do-it-yourself article so. 

Nick: Yeah, so no I had a I had a good I talked with the Algo oracle guys a lot they're cool they're building their oracle on a side chain so it would be like if they're or upon a side chain and then when you want data they'll like push it to your thing I don't know how decentralized it is but they're cool they're actually they're trying honestly to get it there so that's good AlgOracle. Yes. 

Tally: Yeah, I have a few pr's on Tellor Flex as well, one is time-based rewards one is yep I was going to they're well one I have to update because I made it too complicated. 

Nick: Okay let me know when they're good. 

Tally: Okay but the other two are good which ones so there's the init for editing governance on Tellor Flex code and then the time-based rewards one is good. 

Nick: Okay cool yeah, it's Spuddy, anything? 

Spuddy: Not really, I've been reporting to those new networks since Thursday last week Optimism test net Harmony test net and I think it looks pretty good I haven't had any trouble with it. 

Nick: Cool all right Akrem?  

Akrem: How's it going added more tests to the autopay the keeper network pushed it I guess I think it's ready for review I was thinking about adding one more test but we'll just pull it off of draft mode and I'll review it okay yeah that's right I'll do that and then after that maybe look into doing some tell you stuff. 

Nick: Cool yeah and then we'll give you one of the other contracts to review as well so. Okay awesome Ryan mike anything from are you guys in want to do this this is the definitely here well Ryan's been killing it lately you made like a pull request into data specs last week he's just like he's using that get command line left and right this is very nice no thank you I mean have going over that when's the are you guys still working on that doc update yeah. 

Mike: It's yeah, our welcome page that we drafted up is done we just need to I uploaded it into a new branch of the Tellor docs through git book and so I just need you guys just I'm going to give everybody admin access you can log in and make the changes you want and merge them at will and then we can you can just pass it back to us and we'll add emojis so it's so it's on the dev site now basically yes. All right I want to take a few moments to just add some links that I never did but it'll be on to you guys today. 

Nick: Brenda, anything are you good yeah Tim gave my update we spent quite a lot of time on that but they look pretty the addresses look very simple they're pretty much the same on most networks so it looks it looks very nice it was a good deployment uh time anyway do we want to go with Diva now?