Despite the "crypto winter," blockchain gaming powers on full speed ahead

Despite the "crypto winter," blockchain gaming powers on full speed ahead. Project development may have slowed, in terms of number of projects, but some game developers aren't discouraged by declining crypto prices. One such project that keeps on trucking is Undeads. 

They are currently in the midst of their seed round, which has already raised $850,000. The developers boast the game as "the ultimate survival game on the blockchain." It has some pretty major partners, including WB, Chainlink, Immutable X, and UnicSoft. Undeads is an MMORPG survival game, built on the Ethereum blockchain and features in-game NFTs. It's a zombie-versus-humans style game and has play-to-earn mechanics.

The website is quite impressive and professionally built. This is indicative of an AAA-rated game. That is to say, it is market by high-quality development and marketing. I myself have never personally fallen into the spell of blockchain gaming, though I do see the allure. If I were younger, I probably would have all my free time encapsulated by these games. This particular feature seems very interesting:

As I've stated, the development team is in the midst of their seed round now. They have a live development feature on their website, so you can see exactly where they are in terms of the Undeads Metaverse game development:

You can join their whitelist, which has 2222 spots and entitles you to a 25% discount for the NFT mint. The end date for whitelisting is February 19, 2023. The initial NFT drop, which is for the in-game "potion" item, happens February 23, 2023. The project seems to be gaining traction, with over 51k followers on Twitter. I will keep this one on my watchlist.

The Undeads Token (UDS) will power the Undeads Metaverse, which is an ETH token and has a total supply of 250M.

$UDS is the utility-based token used throughout the Undeads Metaverse for transactions and interactions. $UDS is an ERC-20 utility token built on the Ethereum blockchain. $UDS will be used across the metaverse to trade and exchange in-game assets, stake tokens, build a player-driven economy, share various unbelievable gaming experiences and participate in pivotal governance decisions.

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