Collaborates With Orbs and Polygon has announced a new accelerator program in collaboration with Polygon and Orbs to enable developers to build DeFi applications by leveraging the L2 capabilities of Polygon and the L3 infrastructure of Orbs. will pitch in by assisting in launching the next wave of DeFi innovation.

The only criterion is that participants must build their applications on the Polygon ecosystem. Those who leverage the L3 infrastructure of Orbs will be given priority in the program.

The collaboration of Polygon, Orbs, and has become a unique opportunity for the community members as they can now utilize the Ethereum stack to its highest possible potential.

Participants who enroll in the program can look forward to availing of numerous benefits, including:

  • An opportunity for multi-dollar TVL liquidity injection at the time of launch, available only for the promising projects.
  • Exposure to exchanges, funds, and DeFi alliance members and being in attendance for a demo day.
  • Sessions of mentorship and assistance from top-notch industry experts and mentors.
  • A chance to secure funding for ventures who are beginning to take baby steps in the market.
  • Getting to feature on the website of along with several other notable venues at the time of launch. published a blog post to announce the collaboration and launch a new accelerator program. said in the blog post that it was excited to see what the community would come up with in the future.

The blog post highlighted that the combination of L2 on Polygon and L3 on Orb’s network was a unique opportunity for innovative and new DeFi applications.

Principles that will work in favor of the participants are:

  • Community ownership and governance from the early stage
  • Fair distribution without giving early access to anyone
  • Sustainable economic solutions
  • An innovative approach to risk in a responsible manner
  • Composability and interop with the ecosystem has ensured that participants do not face any issues throughout their time at the program. For this purpose, has brought in mentors from each industry to assist in Product/User Experience, Crypto Economics, Frontend/Development, and Community/Marketing.

Polygon is a blockchain development platform that offers access to solutions like sidechains, L2, Hybrid, data availability, and stand-along & enterprise chains. Polygon has processed more than 1.6 billion transactions through at least 142 million unique addresses.

There has been widespread adoption by Polygon for the platform to register to host a minimum of 19,000 dApps while ensuring the security of more than $5 billion in assets.

Orbs, a public blockchain infrastructure, offers features that have been designed for interoperability with EVM-compatible blockchains. Orbs have opened up a door of opportunities for NFTs, DeFi, GameFi, and Metaverse in conjunction with L1 and L2 solutions. aims to support the Research & Development of open-source software. looks to engage with projects built on its principles to offer benefits like mentorship and market exposure, to mention a few.