DeFinitely 32 - The Week in DeFi

I read some interesting articles during the week, covering lots of exciting DeFi projects.

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And I think you can not afford to miss out, so here's my share

  • What is Thorchain and the RUNE Cryptocurrency? | An Introduction
  • Pickle was hacked and there has been a loss of funds
  • Thorchain Weekly Dev Update #70
  • Deriswap: Capital efficient swaps, futures, options, and loans
  • How Kyber Uses B.Protocol And FPR As A Professional DeFi Backstop
  • A Bite of Pie (DAO)
  • Yearn & Cream v2 merger
  • Coinbase and the Oracle
  • What is the impact of new NDX burning program on the NDX and BOX token holders?
  • PieDAO: Community Blog Nov 27th

PieDAO Revenue Stream

PieDAO Revenue Stream



DeFiniteley recommend reading those, if you want to stay up-to-date :)

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Originally posted on LeoFinance