DefiBids - Win $5000 Worth of GRT (Graph Protocol)

Under the hammer with lot #158 today comes $5000 dollars worth of GRT (Graph Protocol) over at the perpetual crypto auctioning platform that is DefiBids.  And this one is sure to raise a lot of excitement.  At #51 over at Coinmarketcap as I post, with a marketcap of just short of 700 million dollars, GRT is one of the hottest cryptos in crypto-town right now, with everybody wanting their piece of this grade-A DeFi moonbag...

And with this latest auction, DefiBids offers fans of GRT a unique (and fun) way to get their grubby little hands on a pretty big slice of the action... 

If you're not already familiar, GRT is the token associated with Graph Protocol, an indexing protocol for querying data for networks like Ethereum and IPFS, powering many applications in both DeFi and the broader Web3 ecosystem, and many are referring to Graph Protocol to as the Google of the blockchain-world (high praise indeed).  And in terms of price action, GRT is up over 400% since it's low of ~$0.10 last December, to its' current price of around 55 cents.  And the excitement around this particular crypto token as it climbs and climbs up the rankings only appears to be growing.

And in addition to being hugely popular over at Crypto-Twitter right now, it's also popular with many of the biggest influencers and informers over at Crypto-YouTube.  Including Coin Bureau (who a good friend informs me is the only Crypto Youtuber worth listening to).  So if you'd like to learn more about Graph Protocol, check out the video below... 

How to Win

This $5000 GRT auction is in the lowest-unique-bid auction format, which means to win you'll need to place, to state the obvious, the bid that is both the lowest, while also being unique, on the auction in question.  Much like this...

Ready to try your luck and/or test your skill?  GO PLAY!

Or alternatively, if you're not already familiar with the DefiBids platform and staking token (with 15% of all ETH used to purchase credits on the platform being paid out to stakers), you can read my short introductory post published at Publish0x HERE.  

Good luck!  :)