Defi Updates: Yield Farming Token Announced on Tron

Tron's Defi project JUST is expected to launch swap features on August 17th, just one week away. In that short amount of time I imagine there will be a number of announcements about swap pairs and other details. JUST will also be launching Lend and yield farming later in the month.

With the Just Network you can already collateralize your TRX for the stablecoin USDJ, which will likely play an important role in the other projects developing.

On that note, there was an announcement today about BitTorrent (BTT) being a token available as collateral on the platform. BTT is one of the largest tokens on Tron's network, with around 879,000 accounts holding the tokens according to TronScan.

Defi is already a major force on Ethereum, but is still emerging on Tron, with just a handful of projects. Tron currently has significantly lower transaction costs which could lead to it being easier for smaller investors to get involved.

I am impatiently looking forward to see which tokens will initially be part of the Swap feature. 

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