DeFi Protocol UniLend Ups the Ante with a $1 Million Grant to Expand Ecosystem

Crickets chirp, and the cryptocurrency world rests while the market slowly settles after its latest cycle, but UniLend waits for no one. That’s right, while much of the cryptosphere is sleeping, UniLend Finance - the revolutionary DeFi platform that is bringing you permissionless, gas-efficient, multi-chain flash loans - is catapulting their platform forward into a new phase of growth with a $1 million ecosystem grant program to accelerate adoption.

What is the Purpose? 

From its inception, UniLend has epitomized the ideal of decentralization with their comprehensive permissionless DeFi protocol. After making huge headway on the development of their overarching infrastructure designed to accommodate trading, lending and borrowing for any Ethereum-based asset, UniLend’s team discovered additional market disparity. That’s why they added their flash loans functionality - to provide a cost-effective, gas efficient flash loans solution for all ERC-20 tokens (and soon BEP-20 tokens) and their holders.

But now, they don’t want to wait years to discover more use cases. They want to expedite the process by incentivizing developers to come and build on their platform, and that’s what this $1 million grant is designed to do.

The UniLend team hopes that this grant will incentivize developers to: 

  • Formulate new use cases for their gas-efficient flash loans product
  • Discover unknown functionality for their lending and borrowing features
  • Find innovative solutions for integrating liquidity onto the platform
  • Build bridges that allow UniLend to further expand into additional ecosystems
  • And create new use cases for UniLend’s overarching infrastructure

Who Can Apply? 

The best part of this incentive is that there is no eligibility criteria, meaning anyone can apply! The team is encouraging both new and established projects and developers to apply. They’re reaching out to developers, tech experts, and financial professionals through events like hackathons in Asia to incentivize them to come help build the future of finance. 

What Comes Next? 

No one has a crystal ball that can predict the future, but the beauty of this incentive is that it puts that future into your hands! DeFi is a completely new paradigm in finance, with many innovative use cases yet to be discovered by decentralized pioneers.

UniLend’s CEO & Co-founder Chandresh Aharwar says, “We created this initiative to incentivize young developers to dream big. Nothing is out of reach! Nothing is impossible!”

Don’t wait! Apply to help build the future of finance (with a little help from UniLend) today! 

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.