
The world’s legacy money and markets amounts to a total of 17.910.700.000.000.000 USD. (17 Quadrillion)

The current market cap of the entire crypto market of around 1 Trillion represents only a 0.05% share of this number.

Crypto is young, still in the beginning but yet can you agree, we as a society, are looking into a technologically smart future, driven by digital innovation, AI and VR? At least to some extent?

The huge number above is the size of the pie. Crypto is the contender, legacy finance and economy the defender.

The correlation of the failing legacy markets with crypto is simply a narrative that you can chose to not believe. The legacy players behind that crazy number above have every reason to use that volume against crypto to not loose their footing. There is a lot of value to short the crypto markets which we are currently seeing. (A data driven research of how big the shorting volume of the crypto market currently is would be helpful for this cause and would be much appreciated.)

In your future crypto gains at least 0.5% market share of all money and markets, it is set to disrupt. It’s market cap goes up10x.

My prophecy is that it is not a question IF the crypto markets decouple from the legacy system! It is happening NOW and it is happening. You are free, you are independent. You believe in the new narrative. #decouplingNOW!

Legacy finance is failing – crypto is in the beginning #decouplingNOW

Crypto is digital innovation of the future #decouplingNOW

This is a revolution that you support by simply spreading #decouplingNOW

Action plan:

- Close all your short positions NOW! (There is nothing for you to lose but hypothetical profits if you do!) Put the money on the sidelines.

- Post and link to this story! #decouplingNOW

-Take a deep breath in, relax, spend time with your family and check if the markets are behaving like you expected after some time.

- If the future is happening along your expectations and how you wished for, start accumulating! Research well! Pick the projects that add actual value to the          infrastructure of web3 and you want to actually succeed. Interact with what you invest in to try it out. There is a cosmos of ecosystems that are changing the game to pick from. Avoid scams, meme coins and ponzis. Be smart. Be brave!

You have nothing to loose. By adding to the success of this narrative campaign we can fix some of the pressing problems we admittedly are dealing with in crypto.

You are the fix! #decouplingNOW

So long, thanks for stopping by! My name is Nostradamus, writing to you from your own future, today!

Let’s go exit the system!