DCRM Alliance organizes to advance decentralized crypto custody and interoperability

Fusion, the open blockchain ecosystem designed for interoperability, exchange, and custody, at the end of last year, simultaneously released and open-sourced DCRM 5.0, while also declaring a new Alliance. The DCRM Alliance seeks to band together DeFi projects, blockchain protocols, enterprises, government, and academia in joining forces to further accelerate the development of next-generation decentralized finance and custody solutions using Fusion’s Distributed Control Rights Management System (DCRM).

DCRM is a patented technology module enabling users to lock-in and lock-out multiple assets across blockchains without surrendering private keys. Via Fusion’s universal short account number (USAN), multi-token digital asset management is a simple and secure process.

Pioneering DCRM Alliance Members

Now, Fusion has introduced the first four pioneers of the DCRM Alliance. These initial four members will have an active role in developing advanced blockchain and crypto applications.


Fantom offers a series of technology components, enabling fast and scalable distributed ledgers, with a focus on their Lachesis aBFT consensus module.

‘’When it comes to interoperability and decentralized custodianship; DCRM is one of many approaches to solve a problem that I’ve been seeing since entering this space. The lack of an elegant way for us to communicate or interact across different platforms, makes cross-chain decentralized finance (DeFi) nearly impossible. Which has resulted in most value capture occurring on Ethereum. That value capture needs to be accessible to all, and we think that DCRM may be able to have a hand in that.”

– Michael Chen, CMO of Fantom

Fantom represents the voice of public protocols in the Alliance.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev and his team investigate, among much other insightful research into future technology, the proper deployment, measurement and comparison of cross-chain technology.

“Existing technical limitations of distributed ledgers still limit their applicability; which is why a large number of different distributed ledgers have been developed in recent years. The ability of these technologies to work together, for example, through the distributed management of control rights, will help to overcome the current limitations and realize the many advantages of distributed ledgers in the future.”

– Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev, Director of the AIFB, KIT

Ali Sunyaev and the CII research group at the KIT represent the voice of academia in the Alliance.


Realio is aiming to disrupt the way capital is raised and invested today by building a complete ecosystem aimed at the issuance, management, and trading of digital assets.

“Fusion’s solution to decentralized custody will reshape many of the ways in which we transact digitally and completely redefine the various roles in the current securities value chain. Decentralized key management is likely to play an important role in our tech stack going forward.”

– Derek Boirun, Co-Founder of Realio

Realio represents the voice of asset tokenizers/issuers in the Alliance.


Totle delivers access to a DeFi infrastructure, ranging from token trading and liquidity, to facilitating payment requests.

“The biggest problem with decentralized finance (DeFi) is that it’s restricted to only Ethereum based assets. We joined the DCRM alliance because we believe there’s an opportunity to open the DeFi ecosystem up to the broader cryptocurrency space with DCRMs cross-chain solution.”

– Andrew Trudel, Business Operations Lead at Totle

Totle represents the voice of DEXes and value exchange in the Alliance.

Current Progress made by the DCRM Alliance

The Alliance has been busy building the sandbox environment for DCRM’s decentralized custody solution, important points of progress include:

  • Creating a network of DCRM nodes in a fully functional test network.
  • Using a simple UI designed by the SMPC wallet team, Alliance members successfully conducted several transactions to generate accounts and send ETH, BTC, and FSN in a distributed fashion.

Next for the DCRM Alliance

The initial phase of testing will continue to enhance the performance, security, and stability of the signing group. Important security questions that have been answered in theory but need to be confirmed in practice include:

  • What happens if one node is down?
  • Can any individual node be hacked and reconstruct the full key?
  • Can any malicious player steal the keys from the other alliance members?

“After these questions have been answered and solutions implemented, the Alliance members will review the test results and jointly plan the next phase in optimizing DCRM for commercial-grade applications. We look forward to sharing the results of our progress and adding more members to our pilot. This progress marks the beginning of a new era in finance where different organizations and industry players (technology, DEX, academia, issuance platform); collaborate to create accounts and transfer incompatible tokens. No single organization in this group can act without the approval or knowledge of the other; perfectly showcasing the security and transparency possibilities of blockchain.”

– The Fusion team