Day eleven on my quest to write a story on Publish0x every day for a year

Day eleven on my quest to write a story on PUBLISH0X every day for a year. So far, I've covered the important topics of peanut butter, the word 'the difference between BTC, BCH and BSV, Croatia,the moviecontent as currency,Algorand.

On the eleventh day, ie today, I'm going to review Brave Browser

I've never reviewed a browser before. Come to think of it I've never reviewed a digital product before.

One of the craziest debates in the crypto space, in my view, is the proposed rivalry between BRAVE Browser and Presearch. To me, that's the same as talking about a proposed rivalry between Mercedes-Benz and UAZ.

Actually no, scratch that. Because even though I've driven a couple of UAZ cars (they're absolutely s**t), I do, still, have a modicum of respect for the brand because I once (many, many years ago) visited the factory / museum in Russia and it was quite interesting.

respect for PRESEARCH because it's a s**t browser and an even worse search engine.

It's shockingly bad, in my view.

And that's the thing with Brave. Like most crypto 'bros', I was attracted to Brave because of BAT rewards. But the truth is, Brave is a good browser, regardless of BAT rewards.

It's relatively fast and relatively seamless but the best part about it is the ad-blocking feature.

There are websites that are so clogged up with ads that they barely work on other browsers. But Brave solves the problem at the source, automatically blocking ads that impact the user experience.

FaucetCrypto faucet I still use, is a great example of that. It basically doesn't work on chrome, but it works on Brave.

 And that's before we talk about . It feels crazy to use other browsers to watch YouTube after trying Brave. That's because with Brave, YouTube is 100% adfree.

Brave isn't perfect. It glitches at times, and opening a new tab may sometimes require more time than it's ideal. But still, I'd take Brave any day of the week and twice on a Sunday.