DappRadar adds full token tracking for EOS dapps

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·2 min read

A big boost for DEXs and some games

Continuing its drive to provide the most trustworthy and accurate dapp data, DappRadar has started tracking full token transaction volumes for EOS dapps.

Previously only the volume of the native EOS cryptocurrency was tracked, but now EOS dapps will be ranked on the total volume of all EOS-based tokens passing through their smart contracts.

This will greatly increase the transparency of value creation on the EOS blockchain, especially for decentralized exchanges that support the trading of EOS-based tokens.

More generally, all EOS dapps?—?including games and gambling dapps?—?with their own tokens will see the dollar value of their transaction volume more accurately measured.

How DappRadar shows the split between EOS and non-native tokens

One example is the Newdex exchange which previously showed $1.8 million worth of EOS transaction volume a day.

DappRadar’s full token tracking on EOS now shows an additional $1.6 million worth of daily transaction volume (on day of writing).

Another example is the game Prospectors, which only monetizes using its own EOS-based PGL (Prospectors Gold) token. This previously meant that no volume was shown.

Full token tracking shows over $3,000 in daily transaction volume.

Over the coming months, DappRadar will roll out similar tracking for more protocols, including Ethereum and TRON.

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