DAO Maker is Using ChainPort to Access Binance Smart Chain

By Maximiliano Stochyk Duarte


  • DAO Maker is now using ChainPort’s blockchain bridges to transfer their $DAO tokens onto the BINANCE Smart Chain
  • ChainPort is super easy to use and there is also a comprehensive guide that covers all of its features
  • DAO Maker is an extremely popular incubator and launchpad for blockchain-related projects.
  • ChainPort is a permissionless blockchain bridge that allows people to seamlessly transfer tokens from one blockchain to another.

ChainPort’s exponential growth continues as DAO Maker lists their $DAO token on the platform. $DAO token holders can now use ChainPort’s blockchain bridges to send their $DAO tokens over to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and bring them back to Ethereum at their convenience.

ChainPort is the ideal blockchain bridge because of how easily accessible it is, and the sheer simplicity of its user interface making it super easy to use. Additionally, Chainport’s blockchain bridges are free to use.


DAO Maker is the latest project to be using ChainPort’s blockchain bridges to gain access to the Binance Smart Chain(BSC). Anyone who holds $DAO tokens and wants to move some of them there to try out BSC can now easily do so via ChainPort.

ChainPort’s blockchain bridges have the ability to easily give any token interoperable capabilities. This means that any $DAO tokens transferred onto Binance Smart Chain (BSC) via ChainPort will have full functionality on BSC.

No Fees & Easy to Use

Most blockchain bridges in the space require users to go through multiple long steps. Some blockchain bridges even require the use of a couple different platforms for people to actually transfer their tokens from one blockchain to another. With ChainPort, however, transferring your tokens from one blockchain to another can be done in just a few simple clicks. Check out this guide to see for yourself just how easy it is to use ChainPort.

ChainPort does not charge users any fees or impose any limitations upon using its blockchain bridges. The only fees one has to pay when using ChainPort’s bridges are the overarching network fees, but apart from that feel free to use ChainPort as much as you like.

About DAO Maker

DAO Maker is an extremely popular incubator and launchpad for blockchain related projects. The core service of DAO Maker is to find projects with potential, and connect them with the resources & community they need to succeed.

There are multiple segments to DAO Maker, the two main ones being their Social mining, and DAO Pad. DAO Maker also tends to provide advisory & marketing related services for the projects they work with.

About ChainPort

Chainport is one of the first permissionless bridges between blockchains. Anyone can freely use Chainports highly interactive user interface to port tokens over to different blockchains. As of right now Chainport only provides a bridge between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain (BSC), but bridges to and from more networks will be added very soon.

With so many blockchains in the space right now interoperability is considered by many the most important route for the future. Chainport aims to have fully operable bridges between Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Polkadot and Cardano. Any token ported over from to various blockchains using ChainPort is fully operable there, and can interact with any of the DApps on the Networks.

$DAO Binance Smart Chain Address: 0x22f3997a5df5a80e29871fed24fe3e85741f5e82

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