Daimler Trucks partners with blockchain firm Filament

Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) has announced a partnership with Filament, a blockchain-based tech provider for the Internet of Things (IoT).

The partnership is centered on the desire to develop a peer-to-peer platform which allows DTNA to use blockchain technology to improve its remanufactured components service. This part of the business involves rebuilding truck components from a combination of reused, repaired and new components. It allows for the repair of worn out or obsolete parts. This project marks the first step for DTNA in using blockchain to improve its commercial vehicle maintenance service. Blockchain will allow for the recording of truck part’s origins and history on a secure system.

Lori Heino-Royer, director, business development at Daimler Trucks North America elaborated: “DTNA has many parties that need to track and share data concerning the status, condition, timing and more, associated with our vehicles, major components and other spare parts. Our vision is to provide full transparency along our supply chain for faster and more efficient operations.’”

The projects will utilize a new product by Filament known as Blocklet, and DTNA recently completed a proof of concept using the new device. Heino-Royer continues; “We are working with Filament on this project, because its new Blocklet USB device will save us a lot of time and money since it makes it possible for us to plug into our legacy systems and begin automating and recording the supply chain processes and transactions in a blockchain.”

A Blocklet is a USB device with a secure enclave that enables a connected device to have a secure identity and write directly to the blockchain. Additionally Filament has a Blocklet for Trusted Vehicle Applications. In essence, this is a telematics device that logs vehicle data including engine revolutions per minute, speed, fuel level, run-time, and other sensor data.