DAFI Protocol Integrates Polinate into Super Staking 2.0

DAFI Protocol, the reward distributor for decentralized networks, has recently collaborated with Polinate, intending to spread its futuristic reward diffusion system in the entire blockchain universe. Polinate, a highly advanced hub for crowdsourcing has boosted the morale of the market players and helped them focus on their creative web page ads.

Once this partnership becomes active, Polinate will gain the rare laurel of being one of the first buyer projects to have bought $DAFI in the public market. It was done so that the smart synthetic contract of dPOLI can be seamlessly integrated into the Polinate ecosystem. 

The crowdfunding platform of Polinate seeks out and launches creative web page ads, which provides them with constant incentives. The entire process is decentralized across the globe, eliminating the need for permissions and sanctions. In other words, the creative ads empowered by Polinate can directly pool the social and financial resources without giving away a percentage of their income to any intermediary party as commission. This poses a stark contrast to its competitors like Kickstarter and Patreon. 

Experts predict that the POLI token will revolutionize the entire influencer industry by providing them with incentives and lucrative prizes like perks and huge discounts. 

Azeem Khan, the creator and COO of POLI, has realized that the time for taking up more responsibilities under the banner of Polinate has come up, given the fact that POLI bestows immense power on market participants. He aims to overhaul the entire system of giving incentives to network users by introducing dTokens into the Polinate ecosystem, while transacting in DAFI in the open market. This will help secure lasting partnership and commitment from the clients.

Zain Rana of the DAFI protocol stressed the importance of seamless incorporation and predicted the new horizons in crowdfunding after the introduction of Polinate via decentralization.