CUB Experience - From Hive-Engine To Den

k, this isn't meant as a tutorial. It's just a quick and dirty note of what I've done with the claimdropped CUBs.

I went through this announcement.

Then I briefly checked the docs.

Team @leofinance, congrats on well-written documentation. It's a rarity in this crazy crypto assets world.

Now to the real work:

  1. Created a new METAMASK account
  2. Added BSC network
  3. Transferred CUBs over from H-E, all 4.735. It's roughly a 211:1 drop ratio.
  4. Went to and connected Metamask account
  5. Confirmed the arrival of CUBs
  6. Realized that I need BNBs for any further steps
  7. Luckily, I remembered I had some spare BNBs over at Binance
  8. Transferred all BNBs from BINANCE to CubFinance over to the BSC chain.


    Binance even has a three-stage questionnaire before it allows you to send anything over to BSC. Good!

  9. Went to CUB Den, approved contract for 0.000668 BNB
  10. Staked all my CUBs, the fee was 0.002212 BNB

Deposit in the den



Staking & fee






I wonder what does the No Fees label mean?

I admit that the whole process was fairly straightforward except for the BNB fees part.

I also admit that I have prior experience with Ethereum, ERC20, Binance, and Metamask.

No experience with the dens and almost no experience with the farms as they are called here.

That's it. Just a brief summary with no substantial comment. I told you so :)


Since it took several minutes to write this there is already 0.003 CUB earned.



Do I presume correctly that there will be a fee to collect or further stake it? Let's check it.

Click on the Compound button:



Click on the Harvest button:




Sorry, I really don't understand this No Fees concept.

Actuall fees were:

  • 0.00044503 BNB ($0.13)
  • 0.00132486 BNB ($0.39)

Yes, I realize that BSC has fees. Yes, these are much lower than ETH fees. Yet, the label says ... Maybe it should say No CUB Fees?

Ps: I am not ungrateful It's something new and interesting to play with. And it certainly was a lot of work.

Better and better