CryptoPick News: Game update 19/11/2021

Dear Pickers community, we just implemented several cool features, fresh visuals, and bug fixes based on your feedback. Read all about it below.

New game mode visuals

We redesigned the Play menu where you select the game mode you wish to play and created new visual identities for each game mode. Enjoy the new visuals and expect them to spread amongst the CryptoPick metaverse.

Player Stats

When you visit a player’s profile, you will now see a Stats tab next to the Inventory tab, in which you can find all the game stats related to that player. The stats are shown by game mode, and you can decide to see the All-time stats or only the stats of . Discover your own stats and compare them with the top players!

New Mobile interface

The game timer is now on top of the page so that you can’t miss it anymore. We also changed the interface once you are in a trade, the score has been highlighted, and the close button should be more accessible. This is the first redesign of the mobile interface, and we are currently working on another update that will make it even better.

Bug Fixes

3 bugs have been bothering several players since the release of CryptoPick 2.0. After playing around and struggling, we found ways to solve them and hope it will fix them for most of you.

  • The announcement banner: players reported the banner was making it difficult to play and that they could not close it. The banner is now above the games and should be easier to close.
  • The in-game timer: players reported their timer was not synced, making it hard to know when the game would end. The timer should be more accurate now, and we hope this will solve the syncing issues.
  • The game not starting correctly: players reported they would not see the game as the chart would keep on loading, and the game would never start for them while, in reality, the game did start, and they lost. We have implemented a system that will track if the chart loads correctly or not, if it does not load after 7 seconds, the page will automatically refresh for you until the game launches correctly.

Enjoy the updates, and hopefully, you will not experience any bugs anymore. We are looking forward to your feedback and will be implementing more changes soon! If you have any questions concerning CryptoPick’s future, you can submit them using this form. These questions are answered during our live Ask Me Anything sessions. The next AMA is on Monday the 22nd of November at 6PM CET, see you there!

?See you on the trading battleground! ?

??Register on CryptoPick HERE??

For more information about CryptoPick AMA Sessions, you can watch our previous AMA on CryptoPick Youtube's channel

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Lbry - Odysee