Crypto/NFT Gaming: My Positions

Hi everyone,

In this blog post I want to talk about NFT and Crypto gaming, which is a branch that is on the come-up. I currently am involved with 2 Crypto/NFT games and will discuss my positions in these games with you.

Axie Infinity:

If you have read my last post, you probably already know that I own some AXS (the cryptocurrency for the Axie Infinity game) which I hold and stake in my BINANCE account. This is a Pokemon-inspired game where you have to battle other people in order to earn AXS to buy Axie's (which are NFT's). I don't play this game, because you have to spend more money than I am willing to to start up, but I'm holding the cryptocurrency. I hold AXS because I am currently staking it at 110% A.P.Y. and because Axie Infinity is currently the biggest NFT/Crypto play-to-earn game. Because this is a relatively new branch, there will always be some very good looking games that will make you a lot of money but actually end up being scams or just having weak fundamentals. Axie Infinity has been around for some time and has already proven itself to be a quality game, which makes it a whole lot less sketchy to invest in. Because the AXS coins can be used to buy pets in the game, it also gets another form of value, which protects the coin a bit more from total market crashes.

There is also still a lot of room to grow for AXS and the whole crypto gaming community. For example AXS has a market cap of around $8.3B. It is currently the 25th ranked cryptocurrency. This is a lot less than some 'small-cap' coins like ADA ($55B), XRP ($44B), SOL ($72B), DOT ($35B)... I personally expect the whole niche of crypto and NFT gaming to keep expanding and I think AXS is going to be its leader.

This is a game for the sports fans. Sorare is a fantasy football game in which you have to collect football player cards which are NFT's. You can buy and sell these cards on the market place with ETH on the Polygon chain. Even though it technically is possible to earn without any original investment, I would suggest you buy a few cards if you start playing because you have to be in the top 3 of around 70.000 players to earn a card that you can sell. Cards can be bought at a price starting from around $0.50. I haven't yet put in an investment because of the high ETH gas fees lately, but if those cool down a bit, I will probably be buying some cards so that I can start earning money on this too. 

If you would like to start playing Sorare yourself, you can always use this link:

If you use this link and buy 5 cards on the auction house, you and I both get 1 free card.

That was it. I hope you have learned something and that I have aroused your interest in this new branch of the Crypto/NFT-verse.

If you have any remarks and/or questions, be sure to leave them in the comments below!