CryptoEQ's FULL Report on Ethereum's Merge, Scaling, and Rollups... for FREE!

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We're thrilled to share the most significant piece we've done yet—the CORE+ Report: Ethereum Upgrade Guide 2022. As we continue to decrease the learning curve to make crypto and blockchain simple, we're diving even further into the mechanisms that make these technologies work.

This CORE+ Report explains and illustrates the Ethereum upgrade, dubbed the Merge, and the blaze of projects materializing around the ecosystem. We also explore the potential for scalability and the innovative solutions you've probably heard about—plasma, rollups and sidechains. Finally, we also present some thoughts about Ethereum's sustainability and security as we head into a transformative period that could be vitally important to the project's future.   But the real added value to this report—that you won't find elsewhere—is the direct interactive features right on your page. Learn something remarkable about Polygon? Here's a link to try that out right now. How's that for instant gratification? Check out some screen grabs below or better yet, get the whole thing now free!