coin and cronos blockchain

When were are browsing on the internet we found lots of ads especially when we look for information on cryptocurrency the most common may be the CRYPTO.COM app how easy is to buy currencies there starting from a dollar to thousands in a few steps they have their own currency as BINANCE has BNB, FTX has FTT, Ku coin and many others they have an easy way to buy crypto and many different assets but now we are focusing on coin (CRO) coin has a blockchain a new one that can give the users more ways to invest in this market like the supercharger this mean that with a minimum amount of 100 coins you can stack them so you can get a reward on the coin or token selected they also aim at having cashback/rewards also the users can earn annual interest of up to 10-12% on their Coins by staking them on either the Exchange app or’s metal Visa Card is pushing really hard on to the adoption of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies in the world the aim of the company is having this coin in your pocket chain 

Cronos is the name of the blockchain they were a part of ERC-20 (etherum) and cosmos was the contract they had right now there run Cronos the name of the mainnet is the new blockchain the company based in Monaco uses this blockchain can run by itself and now they are entering the NFT world on NFT they aim to be carbon negative by 2023 and they describe themselves as a public, open-source and permissionless blockchain fully decentralized network with high speed and low fees designed to be a public good that helps drive mass adoption of blockchain technology 

They have a maximum supply of  and circulating they have  a supply of about an 83% of the total supply they have the backing and some better things like the uses this coin is meant to have 

You can find this coin in, Coinbase, FTX, Ku coin,, and some others 

 investment advice this is the result of months of following the community the projects and learning about the coin and a fundamental analysis