Cryptoblades - the technical hype versus the economics (Can we still make money in there?)

So, after getting upset because Axie halved the adventure rewards from 100 SLP to 50 SLP, and the daily quest rewards from 50 to 25 SLP, I can do this in 5 minutes per day,so I am fully focusing on Splinterlands, having made more that $2000 in the last two weeks from both gaming and airdrop, and I was looking for some extra profits with minimum activity. After I checked the odds of different games, I decided to check Cryptoblades, one of those highly promoted games on BINANCE Smart Chain. They are using their own token called Skill, and it is quite expensive in my opinion. On my initial test, i made 0.50 SKILL in just 3 days, so if I play daily, I may reach 5 SKILLS per month, recovering my initial investment in just 60 days. 


I started with 4.5 SKILL buying 4 heroes and one max level (5) big bad sword. You start at the Plaza, where you buy at least one hero and you receive one free very weak sword. You need 4 heroes. The idea is that all the 4 heroes (maximum number you can keep without penalties in ther game) can use the same expensive sword, as long as heroes and sword are all same element, for tactical advantage. I choose Water, randomly, seems to not make any difference what element you want, as they seems balanced quite well. Each element has a strong advantage and a weak spot, so Water is good against Fire, but weak against Lightning. If you play against other element (Nature), there is no boost for any player.

So, what we learned until now? Same element for all 4 heroes and the best blade you can afford from the Market. You may want to use the filters to select your element and sort by lower price to higher price when you buy, of course. So, 4 heroes, level 20-30, and 1 of the best swords, made me to spend 4.5 SKILL. This means that I will make no profits for the next 55 days, until I recover my investment. 

On the Blacksmith page, you can forge 1 or 10 blades, with some chances to get a blade ranging from 1 to 5 stars. There are different percents, with a lower chance as the number of stars increases. I did not tested this option yet, there is posibility to make some profit if you are lucky, and you can also use reforge to increase a sword level, and most probably I will try this one at some moment in the future too, but not yet. 

And finally, this is how you make your money, cash, bucks, dinero. The battle, on the Combat window, it is looking like this. You can see there what I was talking about, how each element is stronger than another, and why you need to not attack elements that are stronger than yours. There is also an orientative expectetion, but that is not always true, as you can still lose with a weaker opponent, if they are lucky at the random attack roll. You get a roll, so there is some randomness, but as long as you attack a weaker element with a power similar woth yours, you will win most of the times. 

The problem is that, if you start with a hero level one, even if it is slightly cheaper (0.55 versus 0.70 SKILL for a level 20-30), you need to spend some money to upgrade it, as there is a 0.0025 BNB fee per fight (0.90$ right now). You have 200 Stamina, you you can attack in increments of 40 Stamina, but the fee is the same, so at the moment, I only attack once per day for each hero, with a maximum 200 Stamina attack, so I pay the fee only once. Results: less fee to pay and same rewards (200 Stamina attack has like 5 times more rewards than the 40 Stamina attack), and I can only spend 4 minutes daily on the game (time is precious). 

To conclude with the game, the last bit you want to know is the staking part, where you have 3 options right now. Discard the first one, and most probably you want the middle, SKILL 4 SKILL, as you may need WBNB to provide liquidity, and even if it has and 190% APY, you may lose some crypto due to impermanent loss. Your choice!

Hope my little endeavour will help you get some profits. 

All the best,



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