Crypto has been an incredible journey so far for me

Crypto has been an incredible journey so far for me. The never ending education and various communities, including Publish0x, have inspired me to take the next step - release my own crypto project.

Technically, this isn't my first crypto project since I have done a number of things in crypto including writing a book, building my own coin, releasing a number of NFT collections, etc. But this one is different, major, and has me very excited. You know the kind of excitement when you just can't stop thinking about something. You can't sleep. It becomes an obsession...

It isn't also my first collaboration as I released an NFT collection with a digital artist way back in February, however, this time I have a whole team working on the project (including that digital artist).

Being an entrepreneurI've started and ran a number of business over the years. My first business was an improv comedy troupe right out of college - try telling comedians they are not funny in their interview. I started my own website early on in the dotcom era that did very well. Actually, the profits from that site from nearly 20 years ago served as "seed" money for much of what I do in crypto. In the last ten years or so I "retired" from the business world and shifted over to sports. I founded and run a successful youth sports club and also owned my own indoor sports facility that I sold right before the pandemic - fortunate timing. Starting and running business runs in my blood and it was only a matter of time before that spilled over to the crypto world. 

I've always wanted to do something "bigger" once I got involved in crypto, the problem was coming up with exactly the right project. I have considered many different ideas, but none really hit the mark.  I had a number of criteria that I wanted to achieve and finally I came up with the idea to meet every one of them. The first four criteria would serve as the guiding principles for the project. Essentially, every decision we make it run against these four items.

  • Simple -> the project had to be easy to understand and participate in for users
  • Smart -> the project would need to make the complex simple for the user bring them access to something they might not 
  • Scalable -> the project would need to be able to scale up easily if successful
  • Sustainable -> the project would have to be built to last for the long-run

It is amazing how well these criteria flush out ideas we have. Many ideas sound great, but they are too complicated for our end users so we end up revising the idea or trashing it completely. If we can't scale something up and down, we dismiss it. If the idea doesn't tie into our long-term vision it is thrown out the door.

Managing a company, team or project is much easier if everyone understands the vision, mission statement and core principles. It fits into my personal style of leadership by keeping everyone on the same page. After just a short amount of time, every member of the organization runs their ideas through our guiding principles which saves me a significant amount of time.

Other critical criteria for the project:

  • No ponzinomics -> many crypto projects depend on new capital flowing in to keep them going, this was something I wanted to avoid at all costs
  • Real income stream -> I wanted a project that created income, independent of a coin or token price appreciation
  • Fun -> I have always found the more fun I have doing something, the more successful it turns out
  • Collaborative -> I have a great many highly skilled friends I've made over the years I've been wanting to do a project with

I've always had a drive to grow and learn. Crypto has offered me that opportunity. As you grow older you start to question what it is you are going to leave behind? Did you leave the world a better place? Is there something you created that lives on after you leave this world? What is your legacy?

I've left a legacy in the business world to some degree and to a larger degree in the sports world. What will my legacy be in crypto? I really want to help others build passive income. I retired early thanks to passive income steams and this has afforded me the chance to pursue my passions, including crypto. I want to be able to impact others lives in a positive way, isn't that the way anyone wants to be remembered? That is what I want my legacy to be...

Next week, I take the first major step to make that happen and the PUBLISH0X community will be the first to find out what I've been up to...Thank you for being part of this journey.