Crypto gaming platform Hxro to integrate with Matic Network

Hxro, an alternative crypto trading and gaming platform, recently announced it will integrate Matic Network (MATIC), an Ethereum scaling solution.

Matic provides an Ethereum based layer-2 solution for faster transaction confirmations at significantly lower fees. Matic Network uses an adapted version of Plasma to process faster, lower-cost transactions with main chain finality.

The integration will introduce Matic’s community of more than 60,000 users to Hxro. Existing Hxro users will also have the option to use Matic for exchanging ETH and ERC-20 tokens for HXRO on the platform.

Since the launch of Hxro’s MVP last year, it has transacted more than 200,000,000 HXRO in volume. The Hxro team says it will be launching a series of meaningful upgrades and products beginning this quarter.

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