Crypto & AI Future of Reducing Income

A bit different post today from the gaming and other tech.

I remember the time when people used to make money through the art commissioning. Like people used to make art and then they used to get the offers on specific price and they used to do the art. Next there was also the amount of the creator income options online with the content writing. Now all of such small income options are under the radar of the AI. One subscription to the AI account like chatGPT and you have all such small work done.

Now this doesn't only stops at the online income. Offline things have slowed down too. You have plenty of options being reduced there. I see a lot of jobs where things are now automated and we don't have the recurring income. And any income that we have is getting reduced over a period of time.As more automation means we are going to be losing the offline jobs too.

So why this blog post?

I have been checking out variety of the income source patterns where you can see the income has been reducing slowly. And things have turned out to be kind of unsafe zone for most part in my life. So I was speculating as I start to age, I am under the constant threat of retirement world being more difficult with slowing down of the opportunities.

I can't rely on the income or the investment that can drip feed for my old age. Which is  common assumption which worked till the bitcoin.Now the income sources with crypto and other AI growth are kind of under threat. No bank to rely on. No old age scheme may work. Which put me in the panic. And I know I may be under threat and emotion getting best of me.

A lot of social, family and the career side is in the change. And I am doing my best that would be affecting me a lot. I don't know what I can do in order to change my life for the better but I am trying my best to work with that part.

But my mind is in calculating mode. It is trying to find out what is the best course of action for myself.

So how do you view this situation? How do you feel safe about future? And what are your plans for the future? any money tips? crypto advice?

Your comments and may be approach or way of handling the  fear of uncertain future may help me. Not saying it would work for me the same way but something new I can learn from.