Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain adding NEUROMASTER Token

MetaMask can be downloaded on Chrome and Firefox, or on iOS and Android if you’re a mobile user. For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll use the Firefox version, but the instructions will be more or less the same for every platform.

Firstly, you’ll want to head over to the Download page. From there, select whichever platform you’re using, and follow the steps to install it on your device. Easy! Next, follow along with the setup specified by the app. Go ahead and click Create a Wallet. Write down the backup seed phrase somewhere secret (preferably not on an Internet-connected device). Without this phrase, your funds can’t be recovered if your device is damaged or lost. Confirm that you’ve written them down on the next page.

And that’s it! You should now see your wallet, ready to send and receive funds.

The freshly-initialized METAMASK wallet.


Enter the token contract address below

CONTRACT 0x14E18681bAEb855c2bD0395956e06e66458BAE19

Configuring the wallet

You might notice straight away that we’re still dealing with an Ethereum BNB NXR BSC wallet. At best, this won’t work with Binance Smart Chain DApps. At worst, you could lose funds by sending them to addresses you can’t actually use. Let’s change that. We want to access the Settings to point the wallet towards Binance Smart Chain nodes.

Select Settings from the dropdown menu.

On the Settings page, we want to locate the Networks menu.

The Networks menu.

We want to click Add Network in the top-right corner to manually add the Binance Smart Chain one – it doesn’t come packaged with MetaMask. It’s important to note that there are two networks we can use here: the testnet or the mainnet. Below are the parameters to fill in for each.

Mainnet RPC URL #BSC Binance Smart ChainID: 56

Network Name: Smart Chain New RPC URL: Symbol:

Block Explorer URL:

Making transactions (on the testnet) TESTNET 

Don’t let the Ethereum logo fool you – we’ve tuned into the BSC testnet. Next, let’s get some funds to play with. Hover over Account 1, and click to copy your address to the clipboard. We’ll head over to the Binance Chain Faucet and paste it into the form.

 Let’s get rich.

Peggy coins might be of interest if you’re testing out an application that supports  tokens. They’re simply tokens issued on Binance Smart Chain that are “pegged” to assets on other chains (like BTC, XRP, USDT, etc.), meaning that they trade at the same price.  Let’s stick to BNB for now. Click on the Give me BNB dropdown and select the amount you wish to receive. You might need to wait a couple of minutes, but the funds will show up in your testnet wallet imminently.

Our newly-funded wallet.

From here, we’ll send the funds off somewhere to demonstrate how it works. We’ve just grabbed a random address from BscScan Testnet that we’ll donate them to. Go ahead and click