Conceal Network: Decentralized Finance, Private Transactions & Encrypted Messaging

Conceal Network is a privacy-focused banking network that uses decentralized, open source blockchain technology, revealed in May 2018 by 16 blockchain enthusiasts who believe the importance of privacy and this system should also be used in banking. Conceal Network is not only a currency but also a network structure on its name. A project that aims to create a secret ecosystem by placing it on top of its privacy-oriented coins. We can say that it not only makes private and untraceable submissions, but also tries to establish an organization that carries privacy to financial transactions. 

Conceal Network ensures privacy using CryptoNote technology. Of course, they have not only used this technology in money transfers, but also turned it into a banking system. Thus, CryptoNote and RingSignatures have gained the ability to make interpersonal money, communication and other financial deals confidentially. 

It is the digital currency of this network in the Conceal Currency (CCX) used in the Conceal Network. 

Besides, with its features such as Encrypted Messaging (Conceal-Live Q4 2020), Conceal-Cloud, Conceal-Pay, Conceal-ID, it carries the applications that can be made in the modern banking system to blockchain technology in a secret way. For example, with Conceal-Pay, you can receive online payments, collect funds, get short addresses with Conceal-ID, mining with them, and create a web-based wallet with Conceal-Cloud and easily perform your transactions.

In short, at a time when DeFi is very important in the crypto world, Conceal Network aims to present the DeFi tools secretly and decentralized to people.











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