Complete Your NFT Collections On Collect Social (Wax)

Today I wanted to introduce you to a very interesting site (Collect Social) that allows you to earn Racoon Coins thanks to your NFT.

Similar to RPlanet, this site is also based on the Wax blockchain and allows you to put your collections in order.

The company that manages the site is also listed on RPlanet and is called Collect.

On RPlanet we stake NFT and earn Aether. What we need to do is "unstake" (temporarily) the NFT on RPlanet and check which collections we have completed.

To do this, just log in (with your Wax account) at: Collect Social

As we can see there are some missions to accomplish:

- Complete collections

- Reach a certain profile value (in $)

- Invite friends

- Log in for a certain number of days

For each of these operations we will be rewarded in Racoon Coins that can be exchanged on Alcor.

When a collection is complete you check in, the mission is archived and you can put your NFT back to work on RPlanet. In the photo below you can see the level reached (varies according to the missions completed), the Racoon earned and the value of the profile.

If you don't have Wax staking, I recommend taking a maximum of 20 NFT off the stake at a time (otherwise you may have CPU problems on the Wax blockchain for some hours).

I remember however that you can stake / unstake all your NFT on RPlanet using NFTHive.



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