CoinGecko Candy Rewards

I want to briefly share with you in this post something interesting that I came across and hopefully you find it interesting as well. 

The other day I was on CoinGecko's website and noticed an icon in the top right hand corner; it was a candy jar. I then clicked on it to see what it was all about. Upon clicking on it, I was prompted to create an account with them which I did. After signing up for an account, which took 20 seconds to do, I was then granted access to a page to "collect candies."

What are these "candies" you ask? Essentially, they're rewards points that you can then turn in to redeem for discounts or coupons on certain products. Some include 15% off Cobo products, 10% off TREZOR products, and 25% off Crypto Sheets.

The candy reward amounts increase the following day on a 7 day cycle. Here's what I mean:

Day 1: 10 points

Day 2: 20 points

Day 3: 30 points

Day 4 40 points

Day 5: 50 points

Day 6 60 points

Day 7: 100 points

After the 7th day, it goes back to Day 1.

Here's a quick 2 minute video on the CoinGecko candies rewards.

Upon posting the video on Reddit, someone at CoinGecko replied to my post saying that they'll be releasing more interesting rewards.

If you're interested in signing up for an account with CoinGecko, you can do so here.

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