Coinbase Responds to Charges !

A few days ago, Bitcoin was facing a volatile spike. The platform was then unavailable for several minutes, which upset many cryptocurrency investors. This caused a lot of noise on social networks and some people even suggested that it was intentional on Coinbase’s part. So, COINBASE was forced to respond to the charges. 

The exchange platform explains in its statement that as a result of this peak, traffic was 5 times larger than usual. An automatic regulation mechanism exists but it has not been able to follow up with such a number of punctual users. Then, the system had to be completely rebooted manually.

Following this event Coinbase will try to improve their system since they specify :

We are committed to making Coinbase the easiest, most trusted place to buy, sell, and manage your cryptocurrency. 

However, they could be blamed for the fact that this is not the first time such events have occurred. We probably have to observe how the platform will behave in the future.

Have a nice day, stay safe !