
I want to write about one of the first crypto wallets I used and am still using to this day. I am very fond of this wallet because not only can you exchange for free but they have a earning area where you can earn different cryptos. Even if you do not decide to try to spread your referral then you can still make around $30 just for watching videos and answering questions.

Coinbase is a great wallet for someone who wants to earn a little while they hold there crypto. They have staking options for Tezos 4.63%, Cosmos for 5%, Dai for 2%, and USDC at .15% ADY. Coinbase is not the highest paying in APY out there but it is one of the safest wallets. You do not earn as much APY but you have piece of mind.

I hope you take the chance to check this wallet out. It is safe, easy to use, and has a beautiful layout.

Thanks for taking the time to read my article and I hope everyone is being safe and I hope everyone has a amazing Christmas! Also take the time to check out my other articles on earning and living.

Peace and Love


Photo by William Iven on Unsplash