Cloud-hosted Ethereum node service QuikNode adds high-performance API

QuikNode, a cloud-hosted Ethereum node platform for dApps, developers, and power-users, today announced the launch of the platform’s newest tool: QuikNode API.

After weeks of development, the QuickNode team produced QuikNode Boost, an intelligent layer that accelerates calls by up to 300%.

Next, the QuikNode API was created with a 100% free tier so developers can get started with access to Ethereum mainnet right away.

The API supports all the native Ethereum RPC calls: web3, eth, net, shh, and even parity module used as a standard Http provider or endpoint.

“These are the seeds of our vision of a Blockchain Developer Cloud. QuikNode is committed to creating a platform that will facilitate in blockchain application development and infrastructure management. Big thanks our amazing users, supporters, partners & colleagues in the web3 tooling space — without you, this product would not exist and this journey we’re on would not be possible!”

– The QuickNode Team

QuikNode API provides high-performance access to the Ethereum network.
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