Clinique launches smart promotional campaign with NFTs

Beauty brand Clinique is entering the non-fungible token (NFT) world with the launch of a marketing campaign involving the digital assets. Instead of launching NFTs as a line of products, the brand will use them strategically as rewards to three lucky winners of a promotional campaign. 

Customers have to sign up to the Clinique Smart Rewards program and post a video or photo on social media about “your story” with selected Clinique’s tags to enter the competition. Entries will run until November 2nd, and the three winners will be announced by brand ambassadors. Apart from one of three minted NFTs, the winners will also win a decade-long supply of assorted Clinique’s products.

The program is structured so that entrants are actively promoting Clinique’s brand by sharing the campaign on their social media. Plus, Clinique gets to expand its mailing list. The added component of supplying an assortment of products for over a decade motivates more traditional consumers to get involved because there is a physical product-based reward in the campaign. 

It also ensures that those signing up for the rewards program are interested in more than a quick buck. And just in case you wondered, the ten year’s worth of products can only be used by the winner. That part is not transferable.

Meanwhile, the inclusion of NFTs showcases that the brand is keeping up with modern trends and potentially looking to attract a younger customer base. 

While Clinique’s products are not at the extreme high end pricing-wise, they are still more expensive than the market average, and the brand targets affluent and financially comfortable women of all ages.

This is a very different demographic than the consumers one would expect to have an interest in NFTs. While these digital assets have continuously been making headlines this year and been part of various brands digital campaigns, they are still unknown to many. 

In contrast with other industries such as fashion and sports, the beauty industry has not yet seen a lot of NFT initiatives, although it is no stranger to the implementation of blockchain technology for product development. RMI and Tilkal have been working on the traceability of mica, a mineral used in various makeup products. Estee Lauder, the company that owns Clinique, is using blockchain to track vanilla, and Cult Beauty is using the technology to trace green claims from beauty brands. 

Image Copyright: Sorbis / BigStock Photo