Citibank in Motion for Private Equity Tokenization on Avalanche Blockchain

Citibank has been adopting the blockchain and has managed to use it for the forex and the cross border asset verification for some years now. In past they worked on the polygon and Ethereum. And now they are working with the Avalanche blockchain and making the application for their internal usage in their baking company. Now they are making the private equity tokenization. And for this they are making use of the Avalanche blockchain.

Citi's distributed LEDGER tech and the private asset market is going to grow. And as the new set of the investment components come into the market. We are going to see how that would help out with the on chain private smart contracts. We have to see what is in the offer from the Citi group and where they are taking the progress of their token market. 

You can check their official landing page on the digital assets for more information on how they are planning variety of the digital assets project and also the upcoming digital asset plans for the project. Currently private markets tokenization is in motion and it is in the proof of concept phase. Variety of the DeFi like token services for cash and trade is in the works too. 

Another interesting project is digitally native note project. Which is kind of building on the top of the existing other foundation so that it would be easier for the companies and other banks to adopt the same. And last but not the least digital asset custody solutions built on the top of the Avalanche is there too. So we have something to look forward to when it comes to for Citi banks progress in the realm of the digital assets. 

You can check out Citi Digital Assets for more information.