CineTV and MusicForLife are exactly the kind of tribes Hive needs!

When I first joined Hive almost a year ago, I was terribly unaware of the existence of tribes. The hard fork had just happened (not that I understood anything about that either) and everything felt new and exciting. It took me some months and some advice to really figure out what tribes where meant to be. Even then, though, they didn't really make much sense to me. Back in the day, most of the tribes were pretty generic and had nothing new or exciting to offer. That has obviously changed a lot thanks to the emergence of LeoFinance, but even with that, not too much great things have happened ever since. I'm pretty excited for CTPtalk but behind that, most tribes are pretty bland and don't have anything that distinguishes them from the rest of the pack.



Let's be honest for a second here - most of us just add some random tribe tags to our articles whenever we have some tags left. You name it - palnet, ash, hustler, proofofbrain, neoxian - you can find these tags under almost all of my articles. Why wouldn't I use them? It's free money after all! The thing is, these tribes don't have anything to offer besides slightly increasing my post payout. Some of them have terribly awful tokenomics, some are a bit better. Proofofbrain for example is pretty well done in terms of tokenomics. But other than that? It's a proof of brain token that rewards you for content on any topic you want to talk about. Thing is, I already have Hive for that. So even though I use the tag to get the token, I'd never consider myself to be part of the Proofofbrain-tribe, there's no community I consider myself to be a part of. It's just another token.

That's exactly where Leofinance and CTPtalk are different. They are a community first and a token second. In my opinion, that's how tribes should work and that's what they really need to focus on. When I look at my feed on Leofinance, I see articles clearly focused on a couple of topics that I care for. This limits the amount of content I see and indeed, I've missed some articles I would have liked to read because of that. That's why I use both Leofinance and PeakD for my daily curation now. The former for financial/blockchain content, the latter for everything (else). There's no reason at all for me to ever go to another front end like Aeneas for example. Doing so would just limit the content I see to articles using the ash tag but since the tag is completely generic, I'd just miss out on potentially interesting content without any advantage for me.

I was really excited when I found out about CineTV just as I'm pretty happy we have the MusicForLife tribe. Instead of generic content, these tribes focus on fixed topics, movies and television for the former, music for the latter. In my opinion, this is exactly the kind of tribe we need more on Hive. Just like LeoFinance, by reading articles through their respective front ends, I will only find content focusing on each of their topics. This will allow for actual community building and should help both the tribes and Hive to grow.

Another important aspect is that people talk and write differently about different topics. When doing financial topics, you'll usually have a pretty long text and some graphics to illustrate your key points. When you talk about music, you usually don't only want to talk about it, you want to also have your readers listen to it. So adding (parts) of a song to any article should only come natural. The same is true when you talk about a movie. It would be great to maybe add short clips from the show, so people can see for themselves what you are talking about. Also, instead of having long monologues, people usually have a lot of back and forth when discussing movies. Have you seen that? What are you thinking about this? What is your opinion on the plot twist? LeoFinance already has a lot of interaction, but CineTV could have ten times that if done right.

In short, different tribes will need different front ends to best present their articles and best support engagement on their site. Luckily, that's something the guys over at CineTV are already aware of:

That's why our first line of operations will be to seek out and hire a front end developer to completely redesign our front end. This is our first goal, and our most important in the short term.

Something we've often heard about regarding the Hive price is that it only takes 10 (or 100) Leofinances in order for it to go totally crazy. Amazingly enough, that's exactly what we are seeing right now with these new tribes coming to the platform. They cover completely new topics that should be able to get new users to the platform that simply don't care for financial topics or that, like me, do care for that, but also want to read or write about other stuff occasionally. It's still a long way to go of course. Right now, they are mostly just ideas, offering carbon copies of the old Steemit front end. But with some dedication and help from the existing communities, they should be able to flourish and, if they do, take Hive to new heights along the way.

And that's all from me for today. Thank you all for reading and see you next time!