Choosing The Best Tron Wallet

TRON is one of the most popular crypto coins, and the choice of wallets for it is wide. Although there is no official TRON wallet, there are a few ones recommended by the TRON Foundation. They are listed on the official website.

How to choose between them, though? What is worth paying attention to, and what is less important? Here, we will take a look at 3 different TRON wallets with different features. They are best for use in different situations, so you’ll be able to find one for your soul.

TronLink Wallet

This is one of the community-developed open-source TRON wallets. It’s free to use and available for Android, iOS, and as a Chrome extension. TronLink has been officially recommended by the TRON CEO and founder Justin Sun.

The main feature of this wallet is that it’s fully TRON-focused. It supports TRX and all TRC-10 and TRC-20 tokens, allows for resource freeze/unfreeze, voting, and using TRON-based dApps. The TRON SDK and testing environment are available, allowing for deep involvement with TRON’s ecosystem building.

TronLink stores your keys locally on your device with multi-layer algorithm encryption. It supports node breakpoint reconnection, which is crucial for its stability. The wallet allows for creating multiple accounts.

Use TronLink if you want to make the most of the TRON ecosystem.

Klever Wallet

Klever was a community-developed TronWallet rebranded into Klever Wallet in 2020. It used to be a TRON-only wallet, but the team decided to first embrace Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains, and then the others to ensure its 84K monthly users with the best experience in crypto.

Klever Wallet is a TRON mobile wallet available for iOS and Android. Here, you can buy crypto with your credit card and then exchange TRX for other coins without KYC. The private keys are stored on the device. It also has a built-in browser that allows for using TRON- and Ethereum-based dApps. The wallet is translated into 30 languages and offers 24/7 support. A referral program and a TRON staking wallet are also available.

Use Klever if you need a user-friendly multi-asset wallet.

Ledger Nano S

Ledger is a TRON hardware wallet, meaning that it stores private keys offline. This is a top-notch security feature ensuring that the wallet is almost impossible to hack. LEDGER looks like a flash drive that you insert into your computer when you need to sign a transaction. This wallet is good for holding TRON and other 1000+ assets if you want to buy some and ensure their secure storage. Daily use and trading, however, are less comfortable with a hardware wallet.

Ledger Nano S costs $59 and is shipped to almost every country.

Other TRON wallets

Visit the TRON website to see other recommended wallets. There, you can find a TRON desktop wallet, a TRON software wallet, and more. Make sure they store private keys on your device (otherwise your coins are at risk), offer a recovery phrase, and show other signs of being secure.