Chia Blockchain - Proof of Space Time

This is by far one of my favorite protocols and use cases to date. The originality of the GUI and UI/UX make this easily adoptable and intuitive.... but is it worth the hardware cost?

First, Chia Blockchain is quite simple, operates on a lottery type design (not my favorite but it seems to be fair) and really drives home what you are doing on the protocol.  You have a farm, and on this "farm" you create digital plots, ranging from 100GiB to... well too much for anything i could ever have =) On these plots, once verified by the lottery hash function test, becomes a working, thriving farm producing XCH. With that said, it can be ran on Rasberry Pi and effectively mine, although i have not set one up yet. The only issue is that it is very new, and written in a new language known as Chalisp.  So even though there are estimates for when plotting and farming will begin and complete, i have noticed fluctuations with the updates; a good thing.

I have installed, plotted and attempted to pass the tests to begin farming countless times.  I have yet to be able to have a plot begin farming.  I am hoping that as it grows and the protocol/language develop it will be a remarkable blockchain.  Now... that comes with a cost.  The days of buying cheap hi-speed memory (SSDs and the like) have long gone, making it imperative that any hardware used towards mining/farming Chia has a return.

Unfortunately, that has not been the case.  I have lost a lot of 1T sticks and USBs and the like - no XHC.  I stay with it because i believe in Proof of Space Time and what it can do for the world.  The sheer amount of unused space in GB i have alone is a perfect argument for it, imho.  Proof of Space Time goes beyond the scope of this blog post, but i highly recommend researching it and Chia as well.