ChainX to Release Smart Contract Testing Network in Hangzhou

ChainX released its weekly report for October 28 to November 3 today. They have mentioned about the launch of promotion for the first experience of Substrate technology for EDG users. The campaign was a success; all the participants were credited with 2 PCXs in their ChainX account as a token of thanks. ChainX will keep working with the Edgeware team to enhance its development and application of Substrate technology.

ChainX Smart Contracts provides support to PCX so that developers could design applications based on PCX. The latest version of the ChainX Wallet works efficiently to onboard the primary tasks of the Asset page and show transaction history.

ChainX is set to release its smart contract testing network on November 16. On the same day, it is also going to organize the first-ever press conference on Bitcoin smart contract platform in Hangzhou. The conference will be hosted by the ChainX community and its nodes and will be attended by members of the Bitcoin community and media.

ChainX is redesigning Trade Finance by using blockchain-based architecture, by providing secure execution atmospheres, crypto grade safety, real-time threat management along with scalable blockchain. Presently, the assets are still confined to the internal system due to the lack of inter-chain division and alliance.

ChainX follows totally decentralized flow for inter-chain resources. Assets are kept by multi-sig contract or light client protocol so that there is no misappropriation of reserves of inter-chain assets. ChainX aims to build the largest PoS network and is gradually working towards it. Presently, any common user can run a validator node and use it to disrupt the network-centric monopoly. The company does not charge users any transaction fees or any other kind of charges.