Casual crypto writer - a dive into the polygon ecosystem

Hi there,

I have been into crypto since 2016 and I have always wondered how could I participate in other way then buying and holding. 

With the launch of polygon finally we have the opportunity to experience the potencial of the eth ecosystem, specially defi, without the burden of high taxes and the chance to try and fail.

And that's when it finally hit me, I will share my experiments on polygon with the community.

And that's what I have been doing.

You can check my articles:

I will be adding all my articles here as if it was an index.



Here are some good projects on Polygon that I currently use:

QuickSwap is a permissionless decentralized exchange (DEX) based on Ethereum, powered by Polygon Network’s Layer 2 scalability infrastructure.


QuickSwap Interface


PoolTogether is a protocol for no-loss prize games on Ethereum. Modeled on the well established concept of “no loss lotteries” and “prize savings accounts” the protocol offers a chance to win prizes in exchange for depositing funds. … When you join a prize pool, your money is deposited into a yield source




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