Cartesi: The innovation for smart contract developers to create decentralized applications with the use of Linux and other progr


Good morning to all here in the crypto space! This is your Mr. Decentralized again wherein I bring you the hottest projects and developments here in the crypto world. Today, I will be talking about a project that could change the game in bringing the Dapps in Ethereum, Matic, and even BINANCE smart chain. This blockchain-agnostic project is called Cartesi. It is not just that it is blockchain-agnostic/ in layman's term a cross-chained capable project but it also has the ability to produced decentralized applications not only coming from the Ethereum's main programming language solidity, but also from other programming languages as well even the query language MySQL. The main pioneer product is the one coming from the Linux programming language because it is the most robust, almost unhackable type of programming language around.

Well, let me tell you these guys, with Cartesi and its virtual machine, you can develop smooth and efficient Dapps using different programming languages wherein it can be seen in their website here as a starter:

Let me start and expound what are the different products that are a pioneer of the Cartesi ecosystem.

Let us start with the products made by the Cartesi team for blockchain developers, blockchain enthusiasts, and users of the Dapps.

Descartes SDK

Alright guys, for the next one, we will talk about the branches of Cartesi's system and software infrastructure. Which is called Descartes. You may know the Cartesian coordinate plane. In some sense, this is related to Cartesi because of the algorithms and different types of computation on-chain and off-chain and the geometrical congruency of each nodes and codes in the blockchain. So what is Descartes 1.0 SDK? You may want to view the video first here by the Cartesi team:


As you could see, Descartes has different features such as being:

a. Blockchain-agnostic----> When we say agnostic type, it is not being picky what type of blockchain is being used for the transactions or being able to integrate with Cartesi. This makes the power of the Cartesi virtual machine seamlessly amazing for other people to use especially the developers creating Dapps for the community. You can run from Matic which is now Polygon. It is also scalable because of the power of off-chain transactions from the Dapps and other OS and Linux programming languages prior to being broadcasted in the on-chain blockchain. BSC or the Binance smart chain is integrating with the Cartesi's Descartes as well.

b. Scalable computation

---> Because of the off-chain transactions, and then broadcasting back to the on-chain once validated, it costs less to almost nothing to create transactions and even solve disputes off-chain games such as what you have watched in the video above of Bob and Alice.

c. RISC-V architecture makes the OS runtime of the Linux VM to be of always be in integrity-wise honest nodes working together to make the architecture of the virtual machine always on the go in-demand or scale on demand.

d. Linux based computational oracle

---> Oracles are needed to have the integrity of the price feed of a certain stock, currency, crypto, and other types of assets. Linux also has that and it is Descartes. Not only Solidity programming language is being seen here but also MySQL, Nginx, Ruby, MongoDB, Eigen, Libsnark, and Python. It is like this is another ecosystem of Dapps within the ecosystem of blockchain and crypto.

Descartes Rollups

If you wanted to see the detailed article about rollups, you may head to here which is written by our Cartesi CEO himself. Erick de Moura.

Just to give you a summary of what I have read and watched about optimistic rollups and Descartes rollups, the Descartes rollups gives you the power to have dispute resolution off-chain and get it in the local nodes on-chain for anything needed as long as the collateral is being in there to be given to the honest player or the honest person in using the Dapps. The contract interaction also has sharding so it will be scalable on-demand without breaking composability in the blockchain and the transactions are still intact without the problem of integrity. The rollups also make the fees less and beat ETH 2.0 all year round I am telling you. It also lets the other developers in the blockchain to be able to deploy Dapps in the Ethereum VM.


Based on my research about the different use-cases of the blockchain and the off-chain transactions, it is quite new to see that only Cartesi was the one pulling off one kind of a side-chain which is Noether. When we say this Noether, it is like the RAM and CPU usage rental in the cloud of blockchain. Wherein dapps can interact or other collaborators of nodes and stakers will be able to stake and receive rewards once live. You could see that here:

As you could see in there, Noether is the staking platform of Cartesi. Wherein there is a generous amount of rewards for securing the network and having the side-chain of 'Cloud on-demand' possible and storage for the DEFI community and the developers wanting to save and have collaboration with other githubbers using the Linux VM and the RISC-V machine of Cartesi.

Thanks so much, guys for reading my content about the Cartesi project. This will make the ETH foundation a run for their money. For more information, you may visit their website and other social media channels below. I will also show you the team of Cartesi.















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