Capitalizing and Maximizing on Non Fungible Tokens, DeFI Swap Tokens

Its not a lie when its being said "Early birds catch the fattest worms". Punctuality and Timing matters most when it comes too crypto asset investing. I always remind people of what happened with Bitcoin for those who jumped earlier when it was still worth cents which seemed worthless at that time but now some are billionaires.

Its always wise to keep up with the current trending and those still down with future. I wouldn't wanna lie, a lot including me never thought DeFi swap tokens will make it this far. Just thought they are those scam shit tokens but i later on discovered it a new Era but it was a bit late because some token had gone up already.

The Future Pay Cheques

There is no doubt that the next set of Millionaires and Billionaire is in those who will but and hold NFTs and DeFi Swap tokens. Those are the next tokens with future. Reasons for DeFi be said future pay cheques:

  • Decentralization
  • Voting

People are so much in love with the DeFi because no one would feel safe when he or she knows that his money is in a wallet controlled by someone anonymous and there are higher chances that frauds will happens.Another fact the community will always want to be part of the decision making process of token protocols through voting provided they own governance tokens.

Reasons for NFTs to be called pay cheques:

  • Affordability
  • Higher Adoption Rate

These NFTs are still affordable and you can afford to buy a lot since their prices are still low and total sales value up to date is just above $1,002,603,777 which is a good start.

There are higher chances of mass adoption as artist and content creators are now em racing it so that they get what they deserve when they create content.


You may also do you own research and find out in-case i miss something but i believe there is money in these tokens because on DeFi only its capitalization is over $103 billion and the number of tokens are increasing daily and as a result it means the swap token behind the DeFi exchange platform will become powerful.