Can We Use The IPFS Protocol To Store Game Engines And Become Game Developers?

The game industry has been plagued by a high degree of user distress, that is, all services in the game and all data is in the hands of game operators, so it is very likely that game operators or hackers will tamper with this data in some cases to make profits from it.Currently, credits, props, weapons and roles in traditional games are usually owned by operators, so centralized operators have more power to make radical changes to these assets or even dispose of them at will.These assets in the game are often confined to circulation within the game, and outside the game they seem to have no value to reuse.

So today, we've come up with a very interesting idea. From the user's perspective, let's imagine that if each individual user can use the IPFS protocol to store the engine of the game, create a virtual world like Second Life or a sandbox game like My World, so that the design and direction of the game itself can also be made available to each individual user.Participation can also give voice to the future progress of the game.Will this experience be better?

Let's take an example. Suppose you want to create a server similar to the classic sandbox game My World, where you and your friends can experience the game ecology.First, you must configure and run the server application provided in the My World game to start the server; then, you must host all the data.But the problem is that for some large games with beautiful pictures and huge data, this will certainly put a lot of pressure on the drive space of the game.

Now let's assume that someone can play the fork game, My World, with the driver data they need.This is done by adding and implementing IPFS libraries in the engine of the game so that the game runs on the IPFS block chain network and uses them for all forms of world storage.

In this way, the way of "forking" is similar to using block chain application platforms such as Taifang, so that any software service is run in a distributed network node.Users no longer need to use the development team's centralized servers for support, and data can be stored in distributed nodes using IPFS.

Therefore, when you create this game, you will be the creator of the world and registered as the owner according to its public key. You can provide various forms of access to other keys to join or modify a given part of the world.When a player performs any action to edit the world, any changes result in database updates and references to new files.For example, if each block is saved as a file, placing or deleting a block in it generates a new block file, and then updating the database to reference it, the server is no longer needed for calculations.

For another example, suppose we can duplicate the entire World of Warcraft game and develop more copies, more characters and more interesting guild management tools on top of it, then World of Warcraft games will be more effective. As users, we can customize and develop the game as we like, and whether the ecology of the game will go far beyond thatThe original author's imagination of the game.

And you can see that under the block chain mechanism, as long as there are enough users in this game zone on IPFS storage, the game will last forever.Because game data is one of the many nodes stored on IPFS, even if some nodes are damaged, it will not affect the data integrity of the game, in other words, the game data will always be saved.

So building storage with IPFS will create a more resilient and updated world of games, all much better than centralized cloud servers.After all, IPFS is based on content addressing, which is based not on the location of the data, but on the content of the data. On a content-addressed network, without referencing any specific storage location, users'distributed network can respond to users' data requests by accurately providing the requested data fragments.With IPFS, we can cut off data intermediaries and create a data-sharing world where information can be owned by anyone.

IPFS Distributed Storage makes delegation of power feasible, scalable and profitable by delegating power to users rather than centralized operators, and the widespread adoption of IPFS will be a major upgrade to the network.After all, in today's society, we don't like being collected and controlled by "big data". We prefer a more free, private and Democratic Network ecology world.

Maybe this idea is not mature yet, but using IPFS storage in games will revolutionize centralized multi-player games just like changing the network.Let the game abandon the old "one server for multiple connected clients" strategy and introduce a new paradigm in which anyone can create a world and any player at any given time can join.

With this idea, its popular games will always exist and survive, its gameplay will extend to more innovations of its own, and users will not have to worry about zero game assets for all players after the game developer officially closes the game.Not only is it an asset within the game, but all the experience and memory of the game ends.IPFS's distributed file storage technology will help the game industry achieve a breakthrough.

Decentralization and centralization represent two game ecologies. Whoever can win the support of more excellent developers will win the next era.Based on the description in this article, do you have any other comments or more interesting suggestions as a user?Welcome to leave a message in the comments section.Because one day when this idea is put into practice, it may lead to a change in the game ecosystem as a whole.

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